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  • Clever #rovio : they put the cartoons inside the #AngryBirds apps to gain more audience ! 11 years 37 weeks ago
  • @CedN “@DevoxxFR “@aagahi \o/ Prochain Paris Scala UG - @DevoxxFR le 28 mars, avec @odersky https://t.co/y4falcBDmq”” 11 years 37 weeks ago
  • @wadael #ORMLite a été listé à la fin (entre autres) mais vu le reste de la prez je n'ai pas tenté les questions :-) 11 years 37 weeks ago
  • @wadael dommage je suis parti dès la fin de la séance... Pas trop appris ce soir, c'était plus du design pattern général que de l'android... 11 years 37 weeks ago
  • @zenikaIt @android2ee point final de la conf ce soir : #maven n'est pas prêt pour #Android ;-) 11 years 37 weeks ago
  • RT @sam_et_max: Ils ont du temps libre un jour par semaine chez Google, et ça se voit. Annotations Java débiles, checked https://t.co/xO ... 11 years 37 weeks ago
  • If you didn't know about it : #Android API changes report http://t.co/RvvgNpZDae Very useful ! 11 years 37 weeks ago
  • Is it an #android up there ? Cannot access to check... http://t.co/pVTkRnD7vY 11 years 38 weeks ago
  • Ce livre blanc vaut pour tous les #CMS mais il donne aussi un bon aperçu de #Drupal solide, évolutif http://t.co/aLi9sWeuzz 11 years 38 weeks ago
  • Haven't noticed before that the true specification of attributes likes load-on-startup is in the XSD itself http://t.co/P2qQNCVdxn #JavaEE 11 years 38 weeks ago


android Where Android Market stores the downloaded .apk

Today I ran into a small problem that might happen sometimes : trying to benefit from a 2 day-only offer to download for free Duke Nukem 3d (just for fun, I don't think it's going to be the killer app this year), I found out that my phone had not enough free memory to install it (Market told me : 56MB required).

After putting several apps off the memory (to SD card) to free enough space to install it and after a first failed attempt to download the 28MB archive, I was able to download the .apk from the Market (that was "phase 1 : download").

Immediately after the file was downloaded, I started up my Open Advanced Task Killer to free more memory for the installation process.

Of course I got the very bad idea to kill the Android Market process, while it was already installing the app ("phase 2 : installation").

From there, even though Duke Nukem 3d was listed in my installed apps, I only had the option to install it, not to launch nor uninstall it. Even launching the Market again was not triggering the installation anymore.

Duke Nukem 3d app icon

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