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  • First cup of Scala: looks like Prolog... 12 years 10 weeks ago
  • @MarsCuriosity Did I miss those ones or pics are not ready yet ? 12 years 10 weeks ago
  • "Found media: Due to Google Webstore Policy you're unable to download." OK. At least it's clear. Going back to Firefox... 12 years 10 weeks ago
  • Youtube downloader not anymore in chrome store... Chrome now refuses plugins from 3rd party sites... How to build my weekly playlist now ? 12 years 10 weeks ago
  • Why the 'retweet' menu in Plume just doesn't retweets ? It prepends 'RT' to a new tweet in my name. Am I missing something ? 12 years 10 weeks ago
  • RT @cyrilmottier @louistouzet Google Maps graphic assets PSD - http://t.co/xQTBUNjY Create great looking MapView-based application on And... 12 years 10 weeks ago
  • RT @TheBrousse RT @itsWillyFerrell You don't need a parachute to skydive... You only need a parachute to skydive twice. 12 years 10 weeks ago
  • RT @louistouzet  @alexlewando #J2ObjC from google, cmd line tool to translate Java code to Objective-C for iOS http://t.co/ASh930IB 12 years 10 weeks ago
  • Learning more about the Location API in #android and the difficulties to integrate with the Services API... 12 years 16 weeks ago
  • Titanium straight test : 1st try : stock sample template made my phone crash & reboot. 2nd try : empty app created android 8 is missing. :-[ 12 years 17 weeks ago


graphism How to cook an egg with a Gimp

Here is a tutorial to draw an egg with Gimp.

With the following techniques, you will be able to build a realistic egg for a serious business (!) as well as a cartoonish one typically for a gamification usage ;-)

You will find the full Gimp source attached to this article, which I invite you to reuse at will.

The egg evolves !

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