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  • Clever #rovio : they put the cartoons inside the #AngryBirds apps to gain more audience ! 11 years 37 weeks ago
  • @CedN “@DevoxxFR “@aagahi \o/ Prochain Paris Scala UG - @DevoxxFR le 28 mars, avec @odersky https://t.co/y4falcBDmq”” 11 years 37 weeks ago
  • @wadael #ORMLite a été listé à la fin (entre autres) mais vu le reste de la prez je n'ai pas tenté les questions :-) 11 years 37 weeks ago
  • @wadael dommage je suis parti dès la fin de la séance... Pas trop appris ce soir, c'était plus du design pattern général que de l'android... 11 years 37 weeks ago
  • @zenikaIt @android2ee point final de la conf ce soir : #maven n'est pas prêt pour #Android ;-) 11 years 37 weeks ago
  • RT @sam_et_max: Ils ont du temps libre un jour par semaine chez Google, et ça se voit. Annotations Java débiles, checked https://t.co/xO ... 11 years 37 weeks ago
  • If you didn't know about it : #Android API changes report http://t.co/RvvgNpZDae Very useful ! 11 years 37 weeks ago
  • Is it an #android up there ? Cannot access to check... http://t.co/pVTkRnD7vY 11 years 38 weeks ago
  • Ce livre blanc vaut pour tous les #CMS mais il donne aussi un bon aperçu de #Drupal solide, évolutif http://t.co/aLi9sWeuzz 11 years 38 weeks ago
  • Haven't noticed before that the true specification of attributes likes load-on-startup is in the XSD itself http://t.co/P2qQNCVdxn #JavaEE 11 years 38 weeks ago

Notification API

android Tweaking Android Notifications

For SwitchDataSwitch, I wanted to provide users with a 1-click solution to enable and disable data traffic (2G/3G/...).
I chose the notification bar since it is a very accessible place, visible almost all the time and that can be expanded without stopping the running activity :

Expanding the notification bar 
The notification bar is usually presented in its reduced form (here the dark bar at the top of the screen with the smallest icons) but can be expanded by sliding it downwards.

Unfortunately, Android's Notification API is really made for instant notifications, not persistent ones, and that implies several inconveniences :

  • when creating a notification, the developer has to put an icon in the reduced notification bar, taking some precious space
  • by default an 'event timestamp' is shown next to the expanded content of the notification, which means nothing for a permanent service
  • there is no programmatic way to know if a notification is currently displayed or not

This article describes a way to create a notification that :

  • doesn't show up in the reduced notification bar
  • doesn't have a timestamp in the expanded notification bar
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