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  • RT @AskJamesApp: Merci à tous!! Trop fier de notre second prix! #BMAopentourisme #75 11 years 44 weeks ago
  • RT @Etalab: Prix Bouches du Rhône Tourisme : 1. #Groovons @papou31 2. #AskJames 3. @TerroirCaisse #BMAOpenTourisme http://t.co/DrqPqyVN 11 years 44 weeks ago
  • Ary, than et @louistouzet ont terminé la préz de #AskJamesApp ... Relax now! 11 years 44 weeks ago
  • RT @AskJamesApp: Il parait que nos tweets sont retransmis en direct, alors retweetez #BMAopentourisme #75 11 years 44 weeks ago
  • @AskJamesApp et le twitter de notre projet ! 11 years 44 weeks ago
  • Après une nuit blanche, dur de suivre le speech de martin görner #bmaopentourisme http://t.co/p918JqOG 11 years 44 weeks ago
  • Début du week-end #bmaopentourisme la télé est là ! http://t.co/rjrCeYG3 11 years 44 weeks ago
  • RT @spencerchen: PhoneGap built mobile apps are being rejected by Apple for not being 'native enough': http://t.co/q7Rcbfhc 11 years 45 weeks ago
  • Using 3rd party modules sometimes occurs problems with deprecated APIs http://t.co/KvBLvjg9 Anyway Twitter for #Drupal helps me a lot 11 years 46 weeks ago
  • @louistouzet @CedN on verra sur place... 11 years 46 weeks ago


python Building PyCrypto for Win32

The PyCrypto library provides Python with implementation for a lot of algorithms for cryptography. It's very useful.

Ubuntu has it by default but if you want to have it for Python 3.2 on Windows, you must use Active Python, as there is no other binary release for Python 3.2 on the web.

In case you want to use the official Python distribution or if ActiveState did not (yet) released a PyCrypto for the version of Python you are using, this article might help you by putting together the steps to build it from source.

Also attached : a binary exe for the impatients.

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