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  • RT @jeanhelou: Je suis développeur freelance et je peux vous aider à faire une appli qui fonctionne même le 1er du mois @TCL_SYTRAL https:… 7 years 22 weeks ago
  • Il faut que j'essaye ça ! RT @Numerama: 7 years 22 weeks ago
  • RT @vogella: If I get this right, #javaee soon called Eclipse Enterprise for Java (EE4J) https://t.co/X1L6jADcng 7 years 22 weeks ago
  • "How standards proliferate" - probably old but makes me laugh since it's #sotrue https://t.co/6ygxIBf7Lh #xkcd 7 years 26 weeks ago
  • RT @Numerama: Enquête : comment les apps Figaro, L'Équipe ou Closer participent au pistage de 10 millions de Français - https://t.co/GBcnT0… 7 years 28 weeks ago
  • When industry meets open source... https://t.co/uJbhJhZFyK Subscribe here https://t.co/NAOLqb4AL9 7 years 28 weeks ago
  • @Fyrd Do you know of a tool to list features used on a given website in order to obtain the minimum browsers requirements to make it work ? 7 years 47 weeks ago
  • Quelqu'un aurait une place disponible pour #devoxx pour un collègue ? 8 years 2 weeks ago
  • Favorite tool of the day : https://t.co/1wGUhgh5rc @AtomEditor It also displays @PlantUML diagrams ! 8 years 10 weeks ago
  • With typeset you can do weird things like : myvar=hello echo $myvar # prints 'HELLO' in caps https://t.co/bLNDQrmokn 8 years 13 weeks ago


android A paper backup for your private key

Android keychainAndroid requires developers to sign their applications with a digital certificate and that each future release be signed with the same certificate.

Sadly, bad things happen when the developer (you) looses access to the certificate : he (you) will not be able to release updates for the application without it. NeverEver.

Android does not currently support multiple certificates per application so the best you could do would be to release a new app with the same name, in the hope your users will find a way to it by themselves.

As years go on, you will change your computer, wipe USB keys, reinstall OS, ...
So many dangerous operations for your digital certificates, hidden among millions of files !
If, like me, you are anxious at the idea of losing your certificates or passwords, just print a paper copy !
Although it is not invulnerable, paper should be less prone to mass erasing than a simple electronic file.

The idea is simplenot new, and you just need to know two commands to get a printable hard copy of your certificate.

Let's start.

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