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Me on Twitter

  • RT @AskJamesApp: Merci à tous!! Trop fier de notre second prix! #BMAopentourisme #75 12 years 3 weeks ago
  • RT @Etalab: Prix Bouches du Rhône Tourisme : 1. #Groovons @papou31 2. #AskJames 3. @TerroirCaisse #BMAOpenTourisme http://t.co/DrqPqyVN 12 years 3 weeks ago
  • Ary, than et @louistouzet ont terminé la préz de #AskJamesApp ... Relax now! 12 years 3 weeks ago
  • RT @AskJamesApp: Il parait que nos tweets sont retransmis en direct, alors retweetez #BMAopentourisme #75 12 years 3 weeks ago
  • @AskJamesApp et le twitter de notre projet ! 12 years 3 weeks ago
  • Après une nuit blanche, dur de suivre le speech de martin görner #bmaopentourisme http://t.co/p918JqOG 12 years 3 weeks ago
  • Début du week-end #bmaopentourisme la télé est là ! http://t.co/rjrCeYG3 12 years 3 weeks ago
  • RT @spencerchen: PhoneGap built mobile apps are being rejected by Apple for not being 'native enough': http://t.co/q7Rcbfhc 12 years 3 weeks ago
  • Using 3rd party modules sometimes occurs problems with deprecated APIs http://t.co/KvBLvjg9 Anyway Twitter for #Drupal helps me a lot 12 years 4 weeks ago
  • @louistouzet @CedN on verra sur place... 12 years 4 weeks ago

twitter rate limit

drupal Displaying your tweets on your Drupal blog

If you want to display your latest tweets on your Drupal blog, you will probably want to use the dedicated Twitter module. Among other features, this module provides a new block type that lists a selection of tweets from an account. Tweets are retrieved via a cron job and stored in your website's database, making them available even through corporate firewalls that banish twitter.com. Just-what-you-need !

There are a few catches however : it will likely not work if you are on a shared host because Twitter puts rate limits to the usage of their API, and there is a bug in the block view that can be circumvented.

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