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  • @Eyal_Lezmy pas seulement l'équipe mais potentiellement tte la communauté. Question d'intérêt public en qq sorte ;-) 12 years 34 weeks ago
  • @ParisAndroidUG Quel est le moyen privilégié de poser une question android au #PAUG ? J'ai beau chercher... pas de forum-like sur paug.fr... 12 years 34 weeks ago
  • @malsini documentation is (c) by @agoncal. I suggest u have a look at his book... Also we talked about articles at http://t.co/NZE3z6zG 12 years 34 weeks ago
  • A voir absolument : Animez vos pages HTML5, Martin Gorner, Google (Atelier Open Data Google / Dataconnexions) http://t.co/6quwgLu6 12 years 35 weeks ago
  • Yesterday ended a great 3-day Java EE 6 training course by @agoncal with @alexlewando and others. Group agrees on the quality of the class ! 12 years 35 weeks ago
  • @romainguy @ParisAndroidUG Retour d'expérience depuis les débuts d'android, qu'est-ce qui marche et ne marche pas ? Le futur d'android ? 12 years 35 weeks ago
  • #NegativeSpace A bit hard to use but a very ingenious puzzle game for #android that deserves a try http://t.co/71GvLfmV 12 years 36 weeks ago
  • @louistouzet Bravo pour cette belle appli qui monte, qui monte ! #AngryBirds https://t.co/i5ppeyvr http://t.co/3xBnMBBs 12 years 36 weeks ago
  • 2 dev java/android cherchent équipe / projet #dataconnexions 12 years 37 weeks ago
  • @Lim_Ace too bad it doesn't display correctly on my #android... Can't read anything 12 years 38 weeks ago

twitter rate limit

drupal Displaying your tweets on your Drupal blog

If you want to display your latest tweets on your Drupal blog, you will probably want to use the dedicated Twitter module. Among other features, this module provides a new block type that lists a selection of tweets from an account. Tweets are retrieved via a cron job and stored in your website's database, making them available even through corporate firewalls that banish twitter.com. Just-what-you-need !

There are a few catches however : it will likely not work if you are on a shared host because Twitter puts rate limits to the usage of their API, and there is a bug in the block view that can be circumvented.

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