Me on Twitter
- RT @kevcecil: As the city empties, our indigenous wildlife is coming down from the mountains around London. Nature will find a way. https:/… — 4 years 38 weeks ago
- It's something like 1 full month of #coronavirus already and @Dilbert_Daily still doesn't talk about it. It's absol… — 4 years 38 weeks ago
- RT @jenniferbaer: Hi. I designed some coronavirus travel posters for you. Stay the F* home. Love you all. — 4 years 39 weeks ago
- RT @policedutweet: On en est là parce qu’un type a bouffé du pangolin. Je vois pas ce qui pourrait merder en proposant comme remède de la b… — 4 years 39 weeks ago
- RT @yann_bonnet: Ultimate Medical Hackathon: How fast can we design and deploy an Open source ventilator? >> #COVID… — 4 years 40 weeks ago
- [European countries] Scientific Briefing - C Could apply to many decision-makers I met in… — 4 years 40 weeks ago
- RT @prasanto: Important WFH accessory for when the kids are also home. #coronavirus. (HT @ShumaRaha) — 4 years 40 weeks ago
- RT @moshhamedani: — 4 years 41 weeks ago
- Je l'utilise au quotidien #cestpasfaux — 4 years 42 weeks ago
- RT @evidemment_: Le Concorde était le seul avion capable de rester en supercroisière pendant des heures, à 2200 km/h. Il a passé plus de te… — 4 years 42 weeks ago