Me on Twitter
- Late for cassandra presentation at @Ippon... — 12 years 31 weeks ago
- In the world "wild" web, the battle is never over... IE market shares dropped a lot in 4-10 years — 12 years 32 weeks ago
- Upgraded to "The Precise Pangolin". Finally. #Ubuntu has always had problems with #grub upgrades... — 12 years 32 weeks ago
- Gave me some headache but I've finally refreshed 's theme with a new "latest tweets" block... — 12 years 33 weeks ago
- @alexlewando quand je te dis que tu iras loin... ;-) — 12 years 36 weeks ago
- @alexlewando ambiance très sympa au bof #DEVOXXFR @ParisAndroidUG aussi! — 12 years 36 weeks ago
- @seblm bon courage et bonne chance! CC @alexlewando @bguerout @louistouzet — 12 years 36 weeks ago
- Une photo avec Mansour @louistouzet @alexlewando @bguerout @seblm à #DevoxxFR ? — 12 years 36 weeks ago
- @ParisAndroidUG @edouard_mercier @wadael je trouve le code sqlite pr android répétitif. Des idées pr un ORM avec annotations ? — 12 years 38 weeks ago
- @ParisAndroidUG ct pr savoir si vous utilisiez concrètement des ORM pr android. Qq infos sur le net mais manque d'analyses / retour terrain — 12 years 38 weeks ago