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  • @nxtab yep just remember it now : the missing december month... Do you now a place where I can find the whole changelog ? 12 years 4 days ago
  • @louistouzet @CedN "@cedric_exbrayat: I didn't know that Coursera migrated from #mongodb to #mysql http://t.co/RmiruZan" 12 years 4 days ago
  • Got my #nexus7 updated to 4.2.1 yesterday... So that's 2 OS updates in 2 weeks already... 12 years 4 days ago
  • @AskJamesApp @louistouzet http://t.co/moUGnwVP 12 years 1 week ago
  • RT @TopsyRT: Do you know Mutation Testing ? Use it to enhance code coverage of your unit tests http://t.co/kX1w3QbZ 12 years 1 week ago
  • Looks like a #Chrome bug : use "--allow-outdated-plugins" if ur having pb with it saying the #Java plugin is outdated (but it's not) 12 years 1 week ago
  • Now that PTP support works quite well in Ubuntu, MPT comes in... #nexus7 #ubuntu #learningthehardway http://t.co/zeRCSKfI 12 years 2 weeks ago
  • Humble Bundle n°4 looks amazing and is on Android ! 4 days remaining if you care... http://t.co/grJEfnu4 CC @humble 12 years 2 weeks ago
  • Everytime I put a computer on there is an update : Ubuntu, Eclipse, ... If u want 2 be productive u just have 2 use deprecated tools :-( 12 years 2 weeks ago
  • #coursera's #scala course's officially over but will stay online. Sometimes tough but I recommend to any programmer. https://t.co/cWBn2m0g 12 years 2 weeks ago

Building PyCrypto for Win32

This article contains instructions to build PyCrypto 2.6 for Windows XP (32 bits).The PyCrypto library provides Python with implementation for a lot of algorithms for cryptography. It's very useful.

Ubuntu has it by default but if you want to have it for Python 3.2 on Windows, you must use Active Python, as there is no other binary release for Python 3.2 on the web.

In case you want to use the official Python distribution or if ActiveState did not (yet) released a PyCrypto for the version of Python you are using, this article might help you by putting together the steps to build it from source.

Also attached : a binary exe for the impatients.

Python logo

Building on Windows XP 32bits

First install Python if not already done : http://www.python.org/download/.

PyCrypto is an open source project so just get the package as well and unzip it : https://www.dlitz.net/software/pycrypto.

In order to fix a bug with distutils and the latest version of the compiler, edit <Python32_root>/Lib/distutils/cygwinccompiler.py by removing all occurrences of "-mno-cygwin" (this option has been removed in the latest versions).

Building PyCrypto requires a native compiler. By default it asks for Visual Studio but we will use MinGW :

In this console just type the following distutils command from the unzipped directory of PyCrypto :

python setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 install

And you're done : PyCrypto installed !

If you are just looking for the binary release, I've attached the installer for Win 32. This is probably not an optimized binary as the compilation produced the following message : "warning: GMP or MPIR library not found; Not building Crypto.PublicKey._fastmath"

Errors you might encounter

TypeError: unorderable types: NoneType() >= str()

gcc.exe is not in the PATH (http://bugs.python.org/issue8384). Use msys.bat or put all necessary tools in your PATH.

RuntimeError: chmod error

chmod.exe is not in the PATH (or MSYS is not installed)

IOError: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

Visual Studio is not installed (http://bugs.python.org/issue2698). Use --compiler=mingw32.


pycrypto-2.6.win32-py3.2.exe662.6 KB


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