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  • Agree https://t.co/aBM9iv8QvP 2 years 9 weeks ago
  • RT @fasc1nate: A termite track (top) and an ant track (bottom), each protected by its column of soldiers who face each other without attack… 2 years 19 weeks ago
  • RT @glazou: Bide total, à un point rarement atteint, de la conf NFT Londres. Dixit un participant : « la liste des spectateurs était égale… 2 years 20 weeks ago
  • RT @hugolisoir: 2 years 21 weeks ago
  • RT @petapixel: A photographer was tasked with capturing a graduation class photo, but with a twist; it had to be done underwater. https://t… 2 years 22 weeks ago
  • Behold the 1st images of DART's wild asteroid crash! | Space - https://t.co/f6CRep8JAz #NASA #dart #space I love that ! 2 years 25 weeks ago
  • La France, pays de la #liberté (de la #presse, d'expression)... A force de dériver on va finir par s'échouer 2 years 26 weeks ago
  • @agoncal @QuarkusIO @david_dewalle @loicmathieu no girl in #decathlon staff ? 2 years 26 weeks ago
  • @EnjoyDigitAll @tewoz @Siecledigital 2 years 28 weeks ago
  • I love https://t.co/zlI50waxK4 but https://t.co/M2JXDA690i is probably better for non-IT people. @zx2c4 #keepass 2 years 28 weeks ago


python Python versus Shell scripting : from experience

A quick "pros & cons" to choose between Python or Shell scripting, from what I've observed through the years.

This could probably apply to other high level script languages* vs shell.

* Like Ruby, but not like Perl, as it shares more with shells from my point of view, like unreadable syntax and execution speed.

Python vs Shell

python Building PyCrypto for Win32

The PyCrypto library provides Python with implementation for a lot of algorithms for cryptography. It's very useful.

Ubuntu has it by default but if you want to have it for Python 3.2 on Windows, you must use Active Python, as there is no other binary release for Python 3.2 on the web.

In case you want to use the official Python distribution or if ActiveState did not (yet) released a PyCrypto for the version of Python you are using, this article might help you by putting together the steps to build it from source.

Also attached : a binary exe for the impatients.

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