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  • RT @jeanhelou: Je suis développeur freelance et je peux vous aider à faire une appli qui fonctionne même le 1er du mois @TCL_SYTRAL https:… 7 years 8 weeks ago
  • Il faut que j'essaye ça ! RT @Numerama: 7 years 8 weeks ago
  • RT @vogella: If I get this right, #javaee soon called Eclipse Enterprise for Java (EE4J) https://t.co/X1L6jADcng 7 years 9 weeks ago
  • "How standards proliferate" - probably old but makes me laugh since it's #sotrue https://t.co/6ygxIBf7Lh #xkcd 7 years 12 weeks ago
  • RT @Numerama: Enquête : comment les apps Figaro, L'Équipe ou Closer participent au pistage de 10 millions de Français - https://t.co/GBcnT0… 7 years 14 weeks ago
  • When industry meets open source... https://t.co/uJbhJhZFyK Subscribe here https://t.co/NAOLqb4AL9 7 years 14 weeks ago
  • @Fyrd Do you know of a tool to list features used on a given website in order to obtain the minimum browsers requirements to make it work ? 7 years 34 weeks ago
  • Quelqu'un aurait une place disponible pour #devoxx pour un collègue ? 7 years 41 weeks ago
  • Favorite tool of the day : https://t.co/1wGUhgh5rc @AtomEditor It also displays @PlantUML diagrams ! 7 years 49 weeks ago
  • With typeset you can do weird things like : myvar=hello echo $myvar # prints 'HELLO' in caps https://t.co/bLNDQrmokn 8 years 1 day ago

Python versus Shell scripting : from experience

A quick "pros & cons" to choose between Python or Shell scripting, from what I've observed through the years.

This could probably apply to other high level script languages* vs shell.

* Like Ruby, but not like Perl, as it shares more with shells from my point of view, like unreadable syntax and execution speed.

Python vs Shell

Choose Python for :

  • its simple syntax : can be read even by non Python-speaking people. End users may not be scared to change scripts to fit their need.
  • portability : Python is actually more portable than shell because of ease of installation for any OS. Shell is theoretically portable but it's complicated to explain end users how to install the runtime (e.g. see cygwin). A Python script can be packaged into an executable program. There may be ways to bundle a script with the shell runtime.

Choose Shell for :

  • speed : except in case of bad code logic, shell scripts are usually a lot faster than Python's equivalents.
  • its ease to deal with external programs and system : shell's syntax is already made to test/pipe/chain easily existing programs, whereas Python requires some extra boilerplate. Shell also has built-in functions to deal directly with files and the system, whereas Python uses an object-oriented model, which may not be as handy.


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