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  • Agree https://t.co/aBM9iv8QvP 2 years 6 weeks ago
  • RT @fasc1nate: A termite track (top) and an ant track (bottom), each protected by its column of soldiers who face each other without attack… 2 years 17 weeks ago
  • RT @glazou: Bide total, à un point rarement atteint, de la conf NFT Londres. Dixit un participant : « la liste des spectateurs était égale… 2 years 17 weeks ago
  • RT @hugolisoir: 2 years 19 weeks ago
  • RT @petapixel: A photographer was tasked with capturing a graduation class photo, but with a twist; it had to be done underwater. https://t… 2 years 20 weeks ago
  • Behold the 1st images of DART's wild asteroid crash! | Space - https://t.co/f6CRep8JAz #NASA #dart #space I love that ! 2 years 23 weeks ago
  • La France, pays de la #liberté (de la #presse, d'expression)... A force de dériver on va finir par s'échouer 2 years 23 weeks ago
  • @agoncal @QuarkusIO @david_dewalle @loicmathieu no girl in #decathlon staff ? 2 years 24 weeks ago
  • @EnjoyDigitAll @tewoz @Siecledigital 2 years 26 weeks ago
  • I love https://t.co/zlI50waxK4 but https://t.co/M2JXDA690i is probably better for non-IT people. @zx2c4 #keepass 2 years 26 weeks ago


java HttpClient 3.x : a portable SSL Socket Factory implementation

I was just trying to implement client and server authentication over SSL on IBM Websphere 6 (JRE 1.4.2)...


It may sound awkward in 2012, but if you wish the HTTPS server to identify your Java client (versus : only the server is identified), you will have to write your own implementation of a socket factory.

The Java Runtime Environment doesn't provide ready-to-use classes to do this. Yes : there is javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.getDefault() but it requires to set some system (therefore global) properties to point to the certificates files !!!

Even with Apache's HttpClient (at least version 3.x), you have to use a custom SSLProtocolSocketFactory.

The HttpClient SSL Guide provides sample code to implement mutual client and server authentication ; unfortunately the latest stable release of it (contrib 3.1) is bound to Sun's API with imports such as com.sun.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactory. Needless to say that this will not work on an IBM Websphere JRE...

This article contains an implementation of a SSLProtocolSocketFactory for HttpClient, to whom may be interested...

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