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  • RT @NASA: LIVE NOW: We're set to land @NASAInSight on Mars on Monday, Nov. 26. Get an overview of the mission as the team discusses the lan… 6 years 1 week ago
  • RT Moi qui me tape sur le torse en répétant « papa ! » depuis des mois jusqu'à ce que ma fille comprenne que « papa… https://t.co/BWEQs4CpWg 6 years 2 weeks ago
  • RT @dvIpr: Expectations v/s Reality 6 years 3 weeks ago
  • RT @OSAXIS: Osaxis accueillait aujourd’hui @WTTJ pour créer les médias qui animeront notre future page entreprise. Nous recrutons encore et… 6 years 3 weeks ago
  • This is why I don't use my laptop's hardware disk encryption - https://t.co/lLipmzA2FX 6 years 3 weeks ago
  • As usual short-sighted deputies acting against the general interest. "The's Link Tax Will Kill Open Access and Crea… https://t.co/GxE5stf81Q 6 years 3 weeks ago
  • RT @amazingmap: A map of the entire internet as of May 1973 https://t.co/b0gaP4ajx3 6 years 3 weeks ago
  • @Nextclouders I understand. Hope it won't be a cause of frustration and non adoption. 6 years 5 weeks ago
  • @Nextclouders what I like in #nextcloud #owncloud : centralized authentication and remote file access. What I don't… https://t.co/FZMdnPnyvc 6 years 5 weeks ago
  • RT @github: The most important takeaway? Contact your Council members. Let them know that limiting the exclusion to *only* non-profits in… 6 years 5 weeks ago


graphism How to cook an egg with a Gimp

Here is a tutorial to draw an egg with Gimp.

With the following techniques, you will be able to build a realistic egg for a serious business (!) as well as a cartoonish one typically for a gamification usage ;-)

You will find the full Gimp source attached to this article, which I invite you to reuse at will.

The egg evolves !

graphism Un oeuf avec Gimp

Voici un petit guide pour dessiner un oeuf avec Gimp. 

Les techniques décrites ici permettent à la fois de dessiner un oeuf réaliste pour les boulots sérieux (!) et un oeuf type "bande dessinée", typiquement à usage de gamification ;-)

L'oeuf évolue !

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